Saturday 3 May 2014

Its a question of sanity, usually mine!

Do you sometimes feel like a casual observer in an asylum where life itself creates the walls and the rest of the populace the inmates? I do or have I got it the other way round and Im actually the inmate? The jury is out and whatever the result there's likely to be an appeal anyway.

A chap came up to me at the exhibition Marquee on thursday and asked what the exhibition was going to be about. WW1 I said hoping for an keen but quick exchange to which the gentleman who I later found out to be called Bill said, 'WW1, Im in negotiations to prevent the third world war!' Little did I know that such a high profile UN diplomat resided in Whitehaven but before I could get more of the obviously fascinating story he wandered off to see a friend in St Nics Gardens. I overheard part of the conversation in which Bills friend said, what are you talking to that nutter for? Hes only interested in becoming elected Mayor, hes crackers! Had this been a normal conversation between two well lubricated gentlemen it would have been water of a ducks back but to hear such words from two obviously intelligent gents, one of whom at least is a diplomat, well it hurt.

As for the Mayor bit, if Bills friend or anyone else genuinely thinks I'm interested in that poisoned chalice they must be smoking some good stuff. Ive been asked to declare an interest by several people now, despite writing a letter in the Whitehaven News last year removing myself as a possible candidate but the rumours persist. Why oh why would anyone, especially an independent want to stand in front of 51 hostile Councillors every month, let alone be answerable to the numerous experts who frequent local blog sites. Id rather be a cultural officer in the Ukraine. 

Anyway back to insanity, or life as I like to call it, the WW1 exhibition finally opened today despite the best efforts of yobs, the wind, a failed trench system and an over-sized marquee and by the days end weve had over 300 visitors and some lovely comments. I must remember to use a bin bag to cover the Lewis Machine gun though when crossing the road to display it. Up close, its not that realistic as its meant for kids to pick up and be photographed with but from a car in an instant glance, I must have looked like a miniature Arnold with a Lewis in one hand and a mug of tea in the other. Note to self,, grow a brain. Its always after youve hung the exhibits and opened to the public that you discover the mistakes as well isnt it such as the trench war that doesnt end until 2017 or the Royal Navy Ship called RMS Queen Elizabeth. See if your eyes correct the mistake as mine did when proof reading it?

Anyway, two short days to come and then what is possibly the biggest day of our event year, the WW1 Parade. With all three services, cadets and veterans parading, its a massive event that sadly is the last Parade we will be organising so its quite poignant for all of us at event HQ or the corridor to the toilet in Richardsons Wine shop as we like to call it. Ill keep fingers and toes crossed for a cracking turnout and a loud vocal reception for the boys and girls on parade.

Anyway, I need more meds, more wine or perhaps a combination of both so toodle pip for now and I hope to see you all on Tuesday waving the flags and cheering.

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I didn't see that coming but the ice cream helped.

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