Ever had a real sinking moment such as when you realise that the person your talking to about an event that's taken up 6 months of your life and has had lots of publicity doesnt know what your on about. It gets even worse when they express their upset at not knowing. More and more Im crossing paths with people whose only source of local news is facebook and its getting quite serious. I mean Facebook! Crikey, its like basing your life on what you read in the daily sport.
The big question is whether this is a local phenomena or a national one but it seems that unless you can get your event trending on twitter or being bitched about on facebook then your going to miss a growing percentage of the population who themselves seem oblivious to the fact that this is an issue. So, how do you get your event talked about on Facebook? It seems you have two choices now, either be sensationalist as with this mornings facebook headline of the lady (for want of a better description) who was seeking a horse for love or advertise to the same people you used to be able to access for free. Welcome to facebook under the shareholders rule!
Anyway, comms issues to one side, Ive just spent the best part of a week trying to ensure over 130 tri service boys and girls get fed and watered after the WW1 Parade on 6th May and with the Civic Hall shut, its not that easy. Anyhow with a lot of help from friends and some imaginative use of locations, I've cracked it. The only hiccup now being that I need to visit three locations to say thank you for taking part,, fingers crossed that doesn't mean three meals. Last year we had around 1300 kids in town for the Army Homecoming Parade. This year weve got over 1600 so when you add mums and dads, the town should be bouncing fingers and tootsies crossed.
If you see me about town by the way please dont comment on my weight. Ive gone from ooh crikey you need some fighting weight on to todays favourite 'I cant see whats wrong with a little fat on a fella'. I can, Im 5'3" with a waist currently residing around 34" and I have a bold head. All I need is a stool and a rod and I could double as a garden gnome.
Anyway Mrs R has just brought me a cup of tea and a bowl of warmed up yesterdays Panacalty so you know what, Ill exercise tomorrow and dream tonight
Toodle pip for now and hopefully see you later this week in the WW1 Exhibition or at next weeks Parade.
Random and rather satirical thoughts of mine about wine, business and cancer
Monday, 28 April 2014
Thursday, 24 April 2014
Its still all about Whtehaven
Even in my silly world of chaos and stress, the last few days have been strange indeed. When you identify yourself as the CEO people have this view that life must be rosy and staff do everything for you but one can only dream. Im more of your Lidl type of CEO in that I manage myself while reporting to everyone else. I was watching Dancing on Ice live at Newcastle when the horrible thought occurred that our exhibition on WW1 opens next week and I realised that writing the exhibition up would be down to moi.
40 storyboards and lots of image research later and I know so much about the war I could do a speaking tour. On a serious note though, how many people knew that the loss of men on day one of the Somme alone is still a record in the military world. Lets hope its never repeated. That said, if you get a chance to visit the exhibition please do. Not only is it full of interesting facts and has a few models on display its free as well, yes that magic word guaranteed to get ever ones attention.
If anyone saw me doing a slow version of John Cleese's funny walk around town I wasnt in the throws of a breakdown by the way, I was doing my best pacing stick walk to try to gauge the parade time around town for the 6th May. One lovely person pulled up and offered me a lift as they thought my back had gone! That same day I had to juggle meetings with the Police, CFM, The Royal Navy and the Council while finishing off storyboards about the battle of Passchendaele and tank warfare in WW1. Thank god for technology or Id be screwed.
Ive placed four orders this week. One wine order for the shop, one Vickers Machine Gun, two spiked German Helmets and 40m of fencing for the parade and the daftest suggestion of the week was one about the parade, beat that if you can! I was asked if there was going to be a gun salute (which there isnt by the way) and if yes could I ask the soldiers to release doves or lanterns instead so we dont upset victims of Derek Bird! It reminds me of the chap who was really concerned that I was going to rely on the Whitehaven Rugby Clubs tinny pa System when I put Status Quo on in 2008. He was also concerned that if I put them in the centre circle like they do with matchday entertainment not everyone would see them. I often wonder what he thought a few weeks later when a giant dome stage and a million quid of sound system turned up?
For this weeks Whitehaven News Wine Column I chose the complex subject of Red Burgundy but I promise to be a little lighter on your pockets for next week, honest.
Anyway, I do believe that blogs like jokes are best kept short so its time I got a mug of tea and got back to my confusing day, so who should I call first among those waiting, the music agent, the celebrity Gardner, the celebrity chef, the ships captain or my wife???
40 storyboards and lots of image research later and I know so much about the war I could do a speaking tour. On a serious note though, how many people knew that the loss of men on day one of the Somme alone is still a record in the military world. Lets hope its never repeated. That said, if you get a chance to visit the exhibition please do. Not only is it full of interesting facts and has a few models on display its free as well, yes that magic word guaranteed to get ever ones attention.
If anyone saw me doing a slow version of John Cleese's funny walk around town I wasnt in the throws of a breakdown by the way, I was doing my best pacing stick walk to try to gauge the parade time around town for the 6th May. One lovely person pulled up and offered me a lift as they thought my back had gone! That same day I had to juggle meetings with the Police, CFM, The Royal Navy and the Council while finishing off storyboards about the battle of Passchendaele and tank warfare in WW1. Thank god for technology or Id be screwed.
Ive placed four orders this week. One wine order for the shop, one Vickers Machine Gun, two spiked German Helmets and 40m of fencing for the parade and the daftest suggestion of the week was one about the parade, beat that if you can! I was asked if there was going to be a gun salute (which there isnt by the way) and if yes could I ask the soldiers to release doves or lanterns instead so we dont upset victims of Derek Bird! It reminds me of the chap who was really concerned that I was going to rely on the Whitehaven Rugby Clubs tinny pa System when I put Status Quo on in 2008. He was also concerned that if I put them in the centre circle like they do with matchday entertainment not everyone would see them. I often wonder what he thought a few weeks later when a giant dome stage and a million quid of sound system turned up?
For this weeks Whitehaven News Wine Column I chose the complex subject of Red Burgundy but I promise to be a little lighter on your pockets for next week, honest.
Anyway, I do believe that blogs like jokes are best kept short so its time I got a mug of tea and got back to my confusing day, so who should I call first among those waiting, the music agent, the celebrity Gardner, the celebrity chef, the ships captain or my wife???
Saturday, 19 April 2014
Hello again. Only two weeks to the first event and Im already fretting! The WW1 exhibition in a marquee to the rear of St Nics Tower starts on the 3rd May and our World War One Parade is hot on its heels on Tuesday 6th May.
The Parade is being led by the world famous band of the Royal Marines backed up by the ceremonial team from the Royal Navy and an RAF detachment. Following them up are a small squad of veterans then the Army Navy and Air cadets.
The salute is being taken by the Lord Lieutenant and the Mayor of Copeland. The parade is topped off by three world class air displays led by a Dakota from the Battle of Britain Display Team, a jump into the harbour by the Red Devils and then a finale display by Gerald Cooper one of the worlds finest display pilots so whatever you do dont miss this.
Im still getting asked on a daily basis whether there's a festival this year so if you get an opportunity to tell a friend neighbour or work colleague that the festivals are finished but we aren't I would be eternally grateful.
Anyway on a more positive note, the sun seems to be making one or two guest appearances so fingers crossed it will have a positive impact on sales for Whitehaven Live £39 and for the Home and Garden Show theatres £3 each. Im going to Oz Clarkes mid afternoon wine tasting on Friday 16th and Charlie Dimmocks talk on Saturday morning for sure. Home and Garden show timetables are now online at www.homeandgardenshow.org.uk
We’ve just had leaflets delivered to the shop for the Home and Garden show by the way so if your a business that can take some please give us a shout.
Anyway, blog number 2 finished and its time for me to get a cuppa, toodle pip. Twitter @wfestival
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I didn't see that coming but the ice cream helped.
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